Jagorani Chakra Foundation Job Circular 2022 published by Authority official website.
Jagorani Chakra Foundation is a non-government organization committed to the economic and social empowerment of disadvantaged women across Bangladesh. It believes in realizing the potential of women to become strong, independent members of their communities. JCF began its mission with urban microfinance programs and strategically expanded its service network to reach remote rural areas.
Over the years, it has widened its range of development services to include basic health care and education, agro-business growth, solar power, skills training and advocacy. Jagorani Chakra Foundation was founded in April 1992 and now serves almost 500,000 households within 54 districts of Bangladesh.
Key Objectives of Jagorani Chakra Foundation
- The empowerment of disadvantaged women by facilitating socio-economic independence
- The social advancement of women through their leadership and capability development
- The development of women as entrepreneurs, decision makers, leaders and change agents in their families and communities
- Integration of women in the decision making process of Shakti Foundation
Our Vision
We believe women are entrepreneurs, change makers and leaders.
Our Mission
Jagorani Chakra Foundation for Disadvantaged Women is dedicated to the empowerment of poor women by creating strong economic and social resource bases.
Jagorani Chakra Foundation is committed to the empowerment of disadvantaged women through targeted economic and social inclusion. With an integrative approach to women’s socio-economic development, Shakti’s programs are specifically designed to complement each other.
The microfinance and agricultural programs provide women with opportunities for income generating activities and enterprise development, and the social programs focus on women’s health, women’s rights, financial literacy and control over their businesses. Supplementary initiatives, including skills development and digital banking, are also in place to achieve Shakti’s social objectives.
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Jagorani Chakra Foundation Job Circular 2022
জাগরণী চক্র ফাউন্ডেশন নিয়োগ Jagorani Chakra Foundation Job Circular 2022

I’m interested, B.A